Singapore length and width
- how wide is singapore
- how wide is singapore in km
- how wide is singapore in miles
- how wide is singapore strait
Size of singapore in square miles.
Is singapore a country
Official languages:
Chinese, English, Malay, Tamil
Religion | Distribution |
Buddhists | 33.9% |
Catholics | 7.1% |
other Christs | 11.0% |
Taoists | 11.3% |
Hinduists | 5.2% |
Muslims | 14.3% |
nondenominational | 16.4% |
other | 0.8% |
Land use
79% Urban areas: | 566 km² |
1% Agricultural areas: | 7 km² |
22% Forest: | 158 km² |
1% Water areas: | 10 km² |
Roadways: | 3,500 km |
Railways: | 240 km |
vehicles: | 996,732 |
› Airports: | 2 |
With a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.949, Singapore counts as one of the high developed economies by UN definition.The IMF also shares this classification. There is one of the lowest crime ratesin the world.
Singapore population
With an average annual incomeof 70,590 USD Singapore is one of the high-income countries. Taking purchasing power parity into account, it is the second-richest countryin the world.
Singapore is sometimes referred to as a tax haven.
Existing trade agreements
Political indicators
Political stability: | ◈ |
Rule of law: |